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Publikationen Dr. Gerhard Wess

WESS G., C. REUSCH (2000): Evaluation of accuracy, precision and errors of portable blood glucose meters used in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2000; 216: 213-209

WESS, G., S. UNTERER, M. HALLER, A. HASLER, C.E. REUSCH, T. GLAUS (2003): Recurrent fever as the only or predominant clinical sign in four dogs and one cat with congenital portosystemic vascular anomalies. Scweiz. Arch. Tierhailk. 145,363-368.

CASELLA, M., G. WESS, C.E. REUSCH (2002): Measurement of Capillary Blood Glucose Concentrations by Pet Owners: A New Tool in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Ass. 38, 239-245.

WESS G., C. REUSCH (2000): Capillary blood sampling from the ear to measure glucose using portable blood glucose meters. (Journal of Small Animal Practice, 2000, 41: 60 - 66)

WESS G., C. REUSCH (2000): Laboratory assessment of five portable blood glucose meters for the use in cats. Am. J. Vet. Res. 61, 1587-1592

WESS, G., M. CASELLA, C. REUSCH (2001) Diabetische Hunde und Katzen: Heimmonitoring des Glukosespiegels. Kleintier Korekt 4, 4-8

WERTHEN, VON C.J., G. WESS (2001): A new method for insertion of esophagostomy tubes in cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2001 Mar-Apr;37(2):140-144

WESS G., C. REUSCH (1999): New Methods for simplified glucose measurements by capillary blood sampling. J Vet Int Med, 1999, 13: 268

TOMSA K., T. GLAUS, B. HAUSER, M. FLUECKIGER, P. ARNOLD, G. WESS AND C. REUSCH (1999): Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism in six cats. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 1999; 40 (11), 533-539

REUSCH, C., T. GLAUS, G. WESS, K. TOMSA, A. HÖRAUF, S. STANKEOVA, U. GEISSBÜHLER, B. KASER-HOTZ (2001): Klinische, labordiagnostische und spezielle endokrinologische Untersuchungen bei Hunden mit hypophysärem Cushing-Syndrom: ein Vergleich zwischen Hunden mit Makro- und solchen mit Mikrotumoren. Kleintierprax 46, 261-270

REUSCH, C., G. WESS, M. CASELLA (2001): Home Monitoring of Blood Glucose Concentration in the Management of Diabetes Melitus. Comp Cont Educ 23,544-557

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Dr. Gerhard Wess
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